Mays meal was actually cooked in May! Small victories make my day.
During mine and Clay's engagement, we met once every few weeks with another couple who mentored us. Every time we met they took us out to eat and treated us so Clay and I decided to repay them by cooking one of the weeks we met! It was so good and once again, super easy.
If you're like me, you always WANT to eat healthy, but it seems more expensive and not as tasteful a the fatty foods. This meal was extremely healthy and a lot cheaper than eating out, which I'm guilty for doing more than I should.
Asparagus (or any vegetable):
- Place a sheet of foil on a baking sheet.
- Pinch the ends off of the asparagus and lay on the baking sheet.
- Pour olive oil and salt and pepper over and cook for about 15-20 minutes on 400 degrees. We never know how long it takes we just eye ball it. love my foods a little burnt but Clay prefers his not so we just look at it until we are satisfied.
Caprese Salad:
- Slice Tomatoes
- Slice a [bigger than my previous post] ball of Mozzarella
- Add basil leaves to each tomato
- Top with olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette
- I tried blackberries for the first time this year and my world has been ROCKED. We love to mix berries in a bowl and serve them....blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. It's colorful and tastes amazing!
- Clay has the best trick for marinating his chicken. He soaks it over night in Italian dressing and get this...COKE! Open up a 24oz bottle of coke and one whole bottle of dressing and soak it in a bowl and leave in the fridge overnight. This works best with fresh chicken but if you have frozen chicken I'm sure it will work after you let the chicken thaw out.
- The next day, pull your chicken out of the bowl it was soaking in and cook on the grill or skillet! I am a huge Cavenders fan and thought that was the only spice to add to chicken but Clay's method has me hooked.
Thank you to everyone who got us our new dishes, flatware (although this picture shows what Clay had before we unwrapped our flatware), napkins and placemats. We have gotten so much use out of them and sincerely appreciate your help stocking our first home together!
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